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Many people often ask me, “How is it having the demands of motherhood and then to come to a job which demands only the best of me?” My answer is often the same, “I feel extremely graced to do what I love. So it never feels too much like work.” And being a mother to an amazing clan of children is perhaps among my most fulfilling roles. This is not to say, I have many days too in which the demands seem to be far reaching and bottomless; days in which the threat of feeling depleted rears its unwelcome head at me. On these days, it is even more important to ask, “How does one keep on going gracefully and effectively to tend to the needs of my patients, my staff, my husband, my infant, my toddler and my teenagers at home, the dictates of my profession?”
I believe that essentially, as mothers, women, wives and for me also a scientist, author, and physician, I must take pause for myself so that I can keep going for everyone else. This seems counterintuitive to someone like me who doesn’t always understand the imperative to slow down and simplify in order to be nourished in abundance.
I have the privilege of treating women who seek me out for help with prolapse in all its stages. There are many reasons why it occurs, but advances in molecular biology have recently helped improve understanding on the role of stress on prolapse of female genital organs. We now know that mechanical stress for prolonged durations induces cellular changes and alterations in areas of our homeostasis that support our pelvic floor. In fact, both physical and mental stress could induce our body’s imbalance and lead to overproduction of reactive oxygen species, leading to what is termed oxidative stress. This process within our bodies ignites the chain of events that accelerates the break down of protective markers that could contribute to the development or acceleration of female genital prolapse.
This time in women’s health is unique. We can now with many technological advances offer minimally invasive treatments that aim to support your body’s natural restorative mechanisms to improve prolapse by theoretically counteracting the cumulative effects of oxidative stress. Energy based therapies for genitourinary conditions offer women a method to support her body as it meets the growing demands of everyday throughout the many stages of her life.
Our philosophy to treating prolapse is comprehensive and holistic, emphasizing healing from the inside out. Ask us what is right for you and your concerns. We partner with you. Your part is that when you feel the demands on you threaten your balance, remember it is vital to stop and find that moment of stillness to refill, recharge, and revitalize your mind and body and importantly from our perspective, your most intimate feminine part.
As I lay and undergo my annual vaginal revitalizing treatment with a golden tipped Vitalia wand, I am reminded of how little can go a long way. “Let me be a princess for a quarter of an hour!” I inwardly implore. But I know that the process of healing that begins with these mere 15 minutes ignites an invaluable restoration that continues for months afterwards.
It’s simply beautiful.
Dr. Alexis May Tran Kimble